Last years Cargo Bike Race at the VELO Berlin bike fair was one of the biggest of all time. Over 100 Competitors raced at the former Airport Berlin Tempelhof. This is such an awesome scenery, racing around an old “Rosinenbomber” on the airfield.

In a few weeks the next #Airfieldrace take place at the VELO. On 27th April it says again: “3, 2, 1 – Cargo!” And of course it will be a great community meeting again. As the VELO is a big fair, many dealers and brands will have a booth at the fair and a bike on the course. Next to the race there is the opportunity to test many different cargo bikes and feel the spirit of this way of pedal powered transportation.
Registration is online! Sign up now at Cargo Bike Berlin!
This is how it looks in 2018: